
Back to School with Grilled Wild Salmon

By : | 0 Comments | On : August 12, 2019 | Category : Blog

Whether you are seeking brain food for back-to -schoolers or trying to eek out another month of summer, grilling salmon on a cedar plank is the way to go. “Why use a cedar plank?” you ask. Oooh, there are so many reasons! First of all, the flavor leached into the salmon is unbelievable. Second, you don’t have to figure out a way to keep the salmon from sticking to the grill grates. And third, best of all, the presentation is awesome!

Where do you find these planks? I have found them online, naturally. But I have also found them in large hardware stores as well as in specialty grocery stores. The 15″ long ones are nice for an easy dinner with a salmon intact. The smaller, 7-inch ones are so cute and fun for individual servings. We all know that we first eat with our eyes, so make the food look appealing. Just be sure to soak the planks in the sink for about an hour or more to keep them from burning up on the grill.

Does it really matter if you use wild or farmed salmon? YES! You always want wild salmon (and scallops and shrimp and……!). Wild salmon has fewer calories than farmed because it has half the fat content. Whoa, crazy I know! Farmed salmon also has 20% more saturated fat, the fat we don’t want. If you are interested, google the two and you will be impressed with the differences and convinced wild is the way to go.

Once I have soaked my planks long enough and have a nice, hot grill going, I’ll put my salmon on the planks. The next step is to brush them with your favorite oil followed by sprinkling with your favorite fish seasoning. Cook for around 17 minutes until flakey. Serve on plank and don’t worry about the skin as it will likely sick to the wood. Planks may be tossed or used again.

If you like this idea, check out my website for more helpful tips and delicious recipes! Eclectic Entertaining is the way to go!

As always, keep it eclectic! Barbara

wild salmon
Grilled Salmon on a Cedar Plank

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