
Happy Independence Day with a Fruit Pizza

By : | 0 Comments | On : July 1, 2021 | Category : Blog

July 4 Fruit Pizza

Greetings Fellow Foodies!

Would you like a fun and easy dessert to kick off this holiday weekend? Try my Fruit Pizza with a sugar cookie crust. It is SO good you will have trouble stopping at one slice! Obviously we need to make this one red, white and blue but there are other holidays, graduations and sports parties when the colors need to be changed up to fit the occasion. Have fun and it will become a favorite. Need the actual recipe from my site? Here you go – FRUIT PIZZA And please watch the YouTube video to see how easy it is. You may even bake the cookie crust a day or so ahead and decorate the day you need it. Buy the prettiest fruit you can find and have at it! As always, have fun with this recipe and make it your own creation. Here is an idea – bake a rectangle cookie crust and decorate like a flag!

Keep it eclectic!


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